Category: Mathematics

  • Integration by parts-1: Excellent Concise approach

    Integration by parts-1: Excellent Concise approach

    Integration by parts is a mathematical techniques to solve integrals that are composite of two or more functions. Often in mathematics, a function can be as a result of two functions. For example If we multiply y1 and y2, the product is a function that is a composite of two functions. that is : y1y2…

  • Integrating quadratic polynomials

    Integrating quadratic polynomials

    Integrating quadratic polynomials involves transformation the quadratic polynomial into a trigonometric expression which we can easily integrate. A quadratic polynomial is an algebraic expression of the form ax2+bx+c

  • Trigonometric substitutions: concise approach

    Trigonometric substitutions: concise approach

    Trigonometric substitutions is a method for finding antiderivatives of functions. This method is used when the functions contain square roots of quadratic expressions. It is also applicable for rational powers of the form n/2 where n is an integer. trigonometric ratios includes: we express sine of an angle θ sinθ. Similarly, the tangent of an…

  • 8 Operation on sets

    8 Operation on sets

    Introduction Operation on sets involves various logical and arithmetic operations that can be done on sets. Sets have some methods or procedures that can be applied on them hence producing different sets from two or more sets. The procedures we are calling operations on sets are what we are going to discuss in the topic.…

  • Set theory notation: concise discussion

    Set theory notation: concise discussion

    Set theory notation is about describing how we should represent sets when we are discussing them or solving problems involving sets. It is about communication in set language. We use these braces { } to enclose the elements of a set. for example {7, 11, 13} is the set containing 7, 11, and 13. ∩ means “Intersection of“ for example…

  • Sets: A concise introduction

    Sets: A concise introduction

     Sets can refer to a few different things depending on the context. In this page, we strive to give you a concise introduction to sets. A set is any unordered collection of well-defined distinct objects. Well–defined in this context would enable us determine whether a particular object is a member of a set or not.…

  • Integration by substitution

    Integration by substitution

    In Calculus, Intergration by substitution is when we replace an intergral value or its parts in an attempt to make the expression easier to integrate in what we call substitution