Describing educational statistics

15 great Educational research terms

Educational research terms are the key terms and concepts that are crucial to understanding the field. These terms encompass various methodologies, frameworks, and principles that guide the study and analysis of educational systems, practices, and outcomes. Some important terms include:

1. Statistics as a an educational research terms

Statistics is the science of organization, describing and analyzing quantitative data. The term statistics is also used to refers to indices which are derived from data through statistical procedures. Examples of search indices include: means, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, beta coefficient etc. An index which is descriptive of a sample is called a statistic. if the index is descriptive of population, then it is referred to as a parameter. Therefore, the mean of a sample is a statistic while the mean of a population is a parameter.

Statistics can be described in various ways which gives birth to categories of statistics. These categories includes:

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics are indices that describe a given sample .Examples of descriptive statistics are:

  • measure of central tendency : for example mean, mode, median
  • Measure of dispersion like range, standard deviation and variance.
  • measure of Distributions  like percentages, frequencies, quartiles, percentiles, deciles etc.
  • measure of Relationships : for example  correlations
Inferential Statistics

These are branch of statistics which researches use to draw inferences about a given phenomenon in the population. Such inferences are based on the results from a randomly selected sample. Purpose of inferential statistic is to test hypothesis and enable the researcher generalize the results from the sample population.

2. Objectives of educational research

Objective is any kind of desired end or condition. Objectives in research studies refer to specific aspects of the phenomenon under study. Researchers aim to highlight these aspects at the end of the research study.

3. Literature review

Literature review involves locating, reading and evolutional reports of previous studies, observations and opinions related to the planned study. It therefore leads to appreciating and understanding the research that has already been done in ones area of the interest.

4. Problem Statement

This is a specific statement that clearly conveys the purpose of the research study. The statement focuses on the phenomenon that the researches desires to describe, predict, control or explain


This is a statement or assumption that can be tested through research to determine its validity.

6. Units of analysis/ unit of statistical analysis

This refers to those units that have initially described for the purpose of aggregating their characteristics in order to describe some larger group or abstract phenomenon. They are therefore the individual units about which or whom descriptive statements are to be made.

7. Units of observation

This is the subject, object , item, or entity from which we measure the characteristics or obtain the data required in the research study. In majority of studies, unit of observation is also the unit of analysis.

8. Validity

The degree to which a research instrument or study accurately measures what it intends to measure. Types of validity include internal validity (ensuring the results are due to the intervention) and external validity (the extent to which results can be generalized).

9. Reliability

The consistency and stability of a research instrument or study over time. A reliable instrument produces consistent results when used repeatedly.

10. Ethnography

A qualitative research method that involves the detailed study of people and cultures through immersion in the community being studied.

11. Action Research

A participatory research approach where educators or practitioners conduct research to improve their own practices or solve specific problems in their educational settings.

12. Case Study

This is a detailed analysis of an individual or group in a specific context, often used in both qualitative and quantitative research to explore a particular educational issue.

13. Meta-analysis

A statistical method for combining the results of multiple studies to identify trends, patterns, or overall effects.

14. Conceptual Framework

A set of concepts and theories that guide the research process by providing a structure for understanding the relationship between variables and phenomena.

15. Intervention

A deliberate action or program implemented to bring about a change in educational outcomes or practices. It is often the independent variable in an experimental study.

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