two unlike charges attracting

The law of charges

The basic law of charges states that like charges repel, unlike charges attract. In this lesson, we will discuss physics experiments that can verify this basic law.

Experiments to verify the law of charges

To investigate what happens when two charges bodies are brought together, you may need the following apparatus:

glass rods to investigate the law of charges

glass rods

silk clothes for electrostatics charging

silk cloth

silk threads

Silk Thread


bunsen burner

bunsen burner

polythene rod

polythene rod

a car duster


To investigate the law of charges, use the following procedure:

  • Dry glass rod by running it over a Bunsen flame a few times.
  • rub the dry rod with a silk and then suspend it by a thread on a stand
  • Dry a second glass rod over bunsen burner and rub it with silk cloth.
  • Hold the second glass rod close to the first suspended glass rod as shown.
  • With the glass rod still suspended, bring a polythene rod rubbed with fur close to it as shown.
Ebonite and glass rod

Observations from experiments on law of charges

when a charged glass rod is moved close to a suspended charged glass rod, they were observed to repel each other.

When a charged polythene rod is moved close to a suspended charged glass rod, they were observed to repel each other.


The glass rods were rubbed with the same material and so they acquired same positive charge . The repulsion between them implies that like charges repel each other.

When polythene rod was rubbed with fur, it acquired negative charge. When the charged polythene rod attracts the positively charged glass rod, it shows that opposite charges attracts each other. The above experiment and observations brings us to conclusions on charges with the basic law of charges that states that like charges repel while unlike charges attract.

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